Digital Equity Pooled Fund

Housed at the Michelson 20MM Foundation, the digital equity pooled fund is a collaboration between multiple funders who are focused on advancing digital equity in California.

​​Our fund aims to ensure that equity is at the forefront of how broadband infrastructure dollars are spent in California by ensuring digital equity advocates, communities most affected by the digital divide, and local leaders, can make their voices heard in critical regulatory processes at the state and federal levels.


The voice of community in the fight for digital equity


The knowledge gap for digital equity advocates, municipalities, and counties


Philanthropy in support of systemic change


Capacity at local grassroots organizations to engage on digital equity issues


Progress toward digital equity via technical assistance

Digital inequity impacts an individual’s ability to access education, healthcare, search/apply for jobs and meaningfully participate in our democracy.

The Public Policy Institute of California reported that Black, Latinx, rural, and low-income California households are disproportionately disconnected from the internet.


Of low-income U.S. households with children in K-12 do not have access to broadband.

21 million

According to the FCC, more than 21 million people in the US are unable to access broadband with acceptable download speeds. This number is as high as 42 million people.

Grant-making Priorities


  • Bridge the knowledge gap for digital equity advocates, local municipalities and counties
  • Provide both content and availability for 1:1 technical assistance for equity advocates and local leaders


  • Sustain progress made on digital equity policy in California
  • Institutionalize support of sustained community engagement at the CPUC on broadband, digital literacy, and beyond
  • Build the capacity of local grassroots organizations to engage on digital equity issues
  • Foster philanthropic affinity groups, creating space to educate philanthropy on opportunities to support systems change strategies

Current Partners

Turn logo
Center for accessible technology logo

Philanthropic Partners

California Community Foundation Logo
Silicon Valley Community Foundation Logo
Walter S Johnson Foundation Logo
San Francisco Foundation Logo
Bay Area Air Quality Management Logo
Angell Foundation Logo

Stay Engaged

For more information about our Digital Equity Initiative, sign up for our newsletter or reach out to Senior Program Manager Miguel Leon at

You can also join the California Alliance for Digital Equity (CADE), a dedicated group of local and statewide advocates focused on all forms of digital equity, from device acquisition to broadband access to digital literacy.

Non-Profit Organizations

Sign up for notifications, workshops, briefings, or schedule a 30-minute call with one of our partners.

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Interested in learning more about our Digital Equity efforts? Get in touch with Senior Program Manager Cristal Mojica.

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Additional Resources