Michelson 20MM

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Empowering Student Parents: The Impact of AB 2881 and the Road Ahead

Empowering Student Parents: The Impact of AB 2881 and the Road Ahead

Student-parents, often people of color, women, and first-generation college students, face significant barriers to degree completion, including isolation and feeling unwelcome on campuses. AB 2881 offers hope by granting priority registration and centralized resources, aiming to alleviate these challenges and support academic success for parenting students statewide. Student parents shared how implementation has progressed.

The Restoration of Pell Grant Eligibility: A Year of Transformation

The Restoration of Pell Grant Eligibility: A Year of Transformation

In July 2023, the U.S. Department of Education reinstated Pell Grant eligibility for incarcerated students, a decision poised to reshape higher education’s impact on reentry and societal integration. A year later, this policy shift is proving transformative, fostering educational opportunities that promise brighter futures and reduced recidivism rates nationwide.

Understanding the Student Experience of Automatic Textbook Billing: A Small-Scale Survey

Understanding the Student Experience of Automatic Textbook Billing: A Small-Scale Survey

Automatic textbook billing has spread across the country since the Department of Education’s changes to the Cash Management Rule in 2016. The updated regulations allow postsecondary institutions to automatically bill students for course materials with two main guardrails. Despite the popularity of this model and student anecdotes, public data on the lived experience of students navigating this model are limited, which this small-scale survey aims to begin to address.